RD & FD Calculator

Recurring Deposit (RD) Calculator

Total Investments:

Total Est. Interest:

Total Value:

What is FD & RD Calculator

An FD (Fixed Deposit) calculator and an RD (Recurring Deposit) calculator are tools that help you calculate the interest earned on a fixed deposit or recurring deposit, respectively. FD’s and RD’s are both low-risk investments that help you grow your savings .FD’s are for lump sum investments, while RD’s are for regular contributions .Both FD’s and RD’s offer guaranteed returns on maturity .

Fixed Deposit (FD) calculator
  • Calculates the interest earned on an Fixed Deposit (FD)
  • You can be used to calculate the interest earned on a lump sum investment 

    Recurring Deposit (RD) calculator 

    • Calculates the interest earned on an Recurring Deposit (RD)
    • Can be used to calculate the maturity amount of an Recurring Deposit (RD)
    • Can help you plan your future finances
      Benefits of FD and RD calculators
      • Time-savingCalculators eliminate the need to manually calculate interest rates and maturity amounts 
      • AccurateCalculators provide precise results based on the variables you input 
      • ComparisonCalculators allow you to compare different options to find the best one 
      • Financial planningCalculators help you plan your investments and set goals 
      • Free to useMost calculators are available online and can be used multiple times 

      How to use FD and RD calculators:-

      1. Enter the variables you know, such as the amount you want to invest, the interest rate, and the length of the investment
      2. Click the calculate button
      3. Review the results, including the maturity amount and interest rate. 

Indian Top RD & FD Banks

  • IDFC First Bank: Offers a flat rate of 6.50% on tax-saving FDs
  • Axis Bank: Offers tax-saving FDs with rates between 6.10% and 6.85%
  • HDFC Bank: Offers tax-saving FDs with rates between 6.10% and 6.60%
  • IndusInd Bank: Offers tax-saving FDs with rates between 6.75% and 7.50%
  • SBI Bank: Offers tax-saving FDs with rates between 6.10% and 6.60%
  • RBL Bank: Offers tax-saving FDs with rates between 6.55% and 7.05%

    Housing finance companies :-

    • LIC Housing Finance Ltd. Offers interest rates between 7.25% and 7.75%
    • Mahindra FinanceOffers interest rates between 7.50% and 8.10%
    • Manipal Housing Finance Syndicate Ltd. Offers interest rates between 7.75% and 8.25%
    • Muthoot Capital Services LimitedOffers interest rates between 7.21% and 8.38%

      Non-Banking Financial Company ( NBFC ):-

      • ICICI Home FinanceOffers interest rates between 7.00%
      • Bajaj Finance Ltd. Offers interest rates between 7.40%
      • HDFC Ltd. Offers interest rates between 7.10%
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